Are You an Empath? 8 Tell-Tale Signs You Can’t Ignore
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First of all, what is an empath? The word empath comes from the word empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Empaths embody this ability but to a much higher degree than most people. They not only understand and share feelings with others to an intense degree, they actually absorb other people’s emotions or physical ailments into their own body, feeling it as their own.
Keep in mind, this ability is really a superpower, and is desperately needed in our education system, healthcare, and communities. But when left unacknowledged or unchecked, it can feel overwhelming, burdensome, or downright exhausting.
This list is to help you understand yourself in a deeper way, to know that you aren’t alone in your sensitivities, and to support you so you can continue using your superpowers for good in the world!
Signs you might be an empath…
1) High sensitivity to, well, everything
Did you know there are many different types of empaths? Empaths usually have at least one, often many, things they have heightened sensitivity to. Science has actually found that empaths have super sensitive mirror-neurons, making them feel extra perceptive or tuned-in to the energy and vibrations around them.
The most common sensitivity is to other people’s emotions, feelings, and physical conditions, but empaths are also known to be extra sensitive to plants, animals, food, drugs and alcohol, the environment, pollutants, and lunar patterns.
2) Powerful intuition
A fun way to see this is a built-in-bullshit detector! Even if you can’t articulate it, you always seem to feel when something isn’t right, when to make a certain choice, or how someone is feeling without them saying a word.
I love Brené Brown’s definition of intuition: “Intuition is not a single way of knowing - it's our ability to hold space for uncertainty and our willingness to trust the many ways we've developed knowledge and insight, including instinct, experience, faith. and reason.”
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Intuition for empaths is a result of the extra-sensitivity mentioned earlier. You may receive intuitive messages through dreams, through an inner “knowing” or voice, by connecting with the spirit world, or having visions of the past and future.
No matter how you receive intuitive messages, it is important you have healthy boundaries in place to receive this type of information, as it’s a powerful tool and surefire sign you are an empath.
3) Easily absorb the emotions or illnesses of others
You’ve probably known this for a long time, but when someone you love has intense emotions, you can’t help but have them too. The tendency to mirror emotions or physical ailments is a strong indicator of an empath.
Again, this is a great tool for nurses, therapists, teachers, and helpers of all kinds, so that you can deeply connect with the ones you are taking care of. However, if you absorb too much for too long, you might start feeling disconnected from yourself and your emotional needs.
Learn how to clear and manage your energy with this post.
4) People are drawn to you as a confidant
Empaths tend to take on the role of “therapist” or fixer in family or friend groups. And why not? They are amazing at it! They are the go-to-person because they empathize SO well, really listen, and have an uncanny ability to see the forest through the trees (see intuition above!).
You might even notice that total strangers are drawn to you because they feel safe, understood, and seen. You might have people telling you their life stories out of the blue, or surprising themselves with how much they’ve opened up to you in a short amount of time.
Empaths are very light-filled, and when people are feeling low, they find themselves drawn to your kind, healing light.
5) Boundaries are challenging or nonexistent
Because empaths are so in-tune with so much, it can be hard to “turn it off” when it comes to boundaries.
Either empaths absorb too much information, leading to overwhelm, or they are so connected and concerned with others wellbeing that they give too much, forgetting to set loving boundaries for themselves.
For more details on how to actually create boundaries as an empath, check out this post.
6) Intimate relationships can feel overwhelming
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Empaths might begin a relationship feeling joyful, deeply connected, and elated by mutual affection. And, the other person probably feels like they’ve hit the jackpot because their empath is so giving, in-tune, and understands them so well.
While empaths crave this deep intimacy, being in an intimate relationship can also feel like “too much.”
Their ability to be super connected is extra intense because so much is shared in that intimate space. Boundaries might be hard, as we talked about earlier, which creates a powerful bond that can feel overwhelming or suffocating for empaths.
This is not to say that empaths can’t be in intimate relationships, but that finding a healthy balance of connection and independence will help them feel less overwhelmed and truer to themselves.
7) Tendency to disconnect from others to protect your wellbeing
With so much input from everything around them, empaths find refuge in disconnecting and alone time. For many, nature is a safe place to recharge and to cleanse out all the energies they’ve absorbed from others.
Sometimes, empaths might feel the need to “protect” themselves from the intensity of others’ emotions or problems, so they disconnect from those around them. This disconnection might feel confusing to friends and family, but an empath can feel when they are exhausted and need to detach in order to take care of their sensitivities and needs.
8) Strong desire to help, heal, and take care of others
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If you haven’t noticed already, empaths tend to be givers. They have a very powerful pull towards helping others, and often feel it is their life’s purpose to serve, heal, and generally help those in need.
And, in my opinion, I do think many empaths are destined to help in the world because they have such a powerful ability to understand others, which gives them the best tools to heal.
This doesn’t mean that if you relate with anything on this list you are automatically boxed into a healer’s life. In fact, it’s very much worth a soul search, as an empath, to make sure you are choosing a path that serves you and your sensitives for your highest good above all else.