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Your body has a lot to tell you. It’s time to hear what is has to say.

I help you connect to the divine wisdom of your body and energy field so that you feel safe, held, and vibrant in all parts of your life.

“My sessions with Megan have felt like therapy catalysts and have allowed me to unravel issues I have been struggling to understand for years.”

-Patty D.


Our time together will help you…

● Have the ENERGY to actually enjoy your life at the end of a long day

● Ditch the “not enough” loop running in your head like a hamster wheel

Free yourself from the stories of what a giver “should” do

● Embrace the belief that your wellbeing is crucial in order to help or serve others

Private Sessions


One-on-one sessions blend energy work and somatic healing to remind your body and spirit of all the safety, vitality, and wellbeing it has within.

Testimonials of Tender Heart Healing
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Book a session

Sessions are offered in-person and virtually. Select the type of session you would like to see my schedule and availability.

*75 minute sessions recommended for first-time clients


Come hang with Tender Heart Healing on Instagram!